thin lips

美 [θɪn lɪps]英 [θɪn lɪps]
  • 薄嘴唇
thin lipsthin lips
  1. I blame the accident on your thin lips .


  2. He is skinny , with hollow cheeks , humpbacked nose and thin lips .


  3. A small , unobtrusive smile curved the cook 's thin lips .


  4. Well , people with thin lips are said to be rather impatient .


  5. The cold inside him made his eyes red , and his thin lips blue , and his voice high and cross .


  6. For the first time , he realized that she had thin lips and plumped them out artificially .


  7. The characteristics of Fire Face are small , deep-set eyes , prominent upper cheekbones , thin lips .


  8. Bazarov 's thin lips moved slightly , but he made no answer and merely took off his cap .


  9. CELEBRITY EARTH FACES : Cheryl Cole The characteristics of Fire Face are small , deep-set eyes , prominent upper cheekbones , thin lips .


  10. Keira and I both have heart-shaped faces , thin lips , fat cheeks , and bushy eyebrows .


  11. Unforgettable were his pale blue eyes that sparkled like diamonds , large rosy cheeks , and thin lips held in a tight , steady smile .


  12. From his portraits he stares out warily , his eyes hooded and his thin lips trying , but failing , to smile .


  13. If they have squinty eyes , ears that stick out , a weak chin , or thin lips , that 's what I 'm going to paint .


  14. Historically women chose manly men because features such as a square jaw , low brow and thin lips were linked to superior genes which would produce stronger and healthier offspring .


  15. If you have thin lips , then you 're probably kind of person who has absolutely no need of company when going to visit a museum or even when going on holiday to distant islands !


  16. His well-formed aquiline nose , straight thin lips , and the admirable contour of his finely-formed limbs , impressed the whole company instantly with the idea of something uncommon .


  17. His thin red lips stretched into a smile .


  18. The writer was tired of his tall , thin detective with black hair , thin lips and a large nose .
